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Boiler induced draft fan

  •  Y9-35 Boiler induced draft fan
 Y9-35 Boiler induced draft fan

Y9-35 Boiler induced draft fan

  • Y9-35 fan
  • Y9-35 boiler induced draft fan
  • Y9-35 induced draft fan
  • Product description: This page introduces you in detail the performance parameters, price, manufacturer and specification model of Y9-35 boiler induced draft fan.
YX9-35 boiler induced draft fan boiler fan is suitable for use in the induction air of steam boilers below 240t/h in thermal power stations. G9~35 can be used for general ventilation when there is no special requirement. The medium conveyed by the ventilator is air, the maximum temperature shall not exceed 80 °C, and the medium to be transported by the convection is smoke, and the maximum temperature shall not exceed 250 °C.
Both the ventilator and the induced draft fan are single intake air intake. The transmission mode is the coupling drive (D type).
The impeller is welded by the forwardly curved blade, the conical wheel cover and the flat wheel. It is riveted to the shaft plate. The maximum speed of the impeller can reach 80 m / s. The main shaft of the transmission part is made of high quality steel, and the single suction fan is used. Rolling bearings are used. The casing is a volute welded by steel, and the No. 6 to No. 12 fan is made into an integral casing. Above No. 13.5 and above, each casing has a 1/4 casing that can be disassembled, so that the impeller can be loaded or unloaded during loading and unloading. The air inlets are equipped with adjusting dampers to adjust the air volume and control the motor load.

9-35 boiler centrifugal fan performance parameter table

產(chǎn) 品 型  號 轉(zhuǎn)  速
r / min
序號 全 壓 Pa 流   量 m3 / h 電   動   機
型   號 功率 kW
9-35 № 6 D 1450 1 1912 3710 Y132S-4 5.5
2 2000~2098 4640~6500 Y132M-4 7.5
3 2108~1990 7430~10220 Y160M-4 11
960 1 833~921 2460~5530 Y132S-6 3
2 912~872 6140~6750 Y132M1-6 4
9-35 № 8 D 960 1 1490~1598 5810~8720 Y160M-6 7.5
2 1627~1637 10180~11630 Y160L-6 11
3 1637~1539 13080~16000 Y180L-6 15
730 1 863~941 4430~7760 Y160M1-8 4
2 951 8870~9980 Y160M2-8 5.5
3 931~892 11090~12200 Y160L-8 7.5
9-35 № 10 D 960 1 2324 11350 Y180L-6 15
2 2432 14200 Y200L1-6 18.5
3 2510 17050 Y200L2-6 22
4 2549~2569 19900~22750 Y225M-6 30
5 2569 25600 Y250M-6 37
6 2520~2412 28400~31250 Y280S-6 45
730 1 1353 8650 Y160L-8 7.5
2 1412~1480 10800~15150 Y180L-8 11
3 1490 17300~19450 Y200L-8 15
4 1461~1402 21600~23800 Y225S-8 18.5
9-35 № 12 D 960 1 3353 19620 Y250M-6 37
2 3501 24520 Y280S-6 45
3 3618 29420 Y280M-6 55
4 3677~3697 34330~39230 Y315S-6 75
5 3697 44140 Y315M-6 90
6 3638~3481 49040~53940 Y315L1-6 110
730 1 1941~2020 14920~18650 Y225M-8 22
2 2088~2128 22380~26110 Y250M-8 30
3 2137 29840~33570 Y280S-8 37
4 2098~2010 37300~41030 Y280M-8 45
9-35 № 13.5 D 960 1 4236~4432 27920~34900 Y315S-6 75
2 4570 41880 Y315L1-6 110
3 4658 48860 JS117-6 115
4 4677 55840 JS125-6 130
5 4677 62820 JS126-6 155
6 4599~4413 69800~76780 JS127-6 185
730 1 2451 21240 Y250M-8 30
2 2559 26550 Y280S-8 37
3 2647 31860 Y280M-8 45
4 2687~2706 37170~42480 Y315S-8 55
5 2706~2657 47790~53100 Y315M-8 75
6 2549 58410 Y315L1-8 90
9-35 № 15.5 D 730 1 3236 32160 Y315S-8 55
2 3383 40200 Y315M-8 75
3 3481 48240 Y315L1-8 90
4 3550~3569 56280~64320 Y315L2-8 110
5 3569 72360 JS127-8 130
6 3501 80400 JS128-8 155
7 3363 88440 JS136-8 180
580 1 2039~2196 25600~38400 JS115-10 45
2 2245~2255 44800~51200 JS116-10 55
3 2255 57600 JS117-10 65
4 2216 64000 JS125-10 80
5 2118 70400 JS126-10 95
9-35 № 18 D 730 1 4364 50400 JS127-8 130
2 4560 63000 JS128-8 155
3 4707 75600 JS136-8 180
4 4785 88200 JS137-8 210
5 4815 100800 JS138-8 245
6 4815 113400 JS1410-8  (6000V) 280
7 4726 126000 JS157-8  (6000V) 320
8 4530 138600 JS158-8  (6000V) 380
580 1 2755 40080 JS117-10 65
2 2883 50100 JS125-10 80
3 2971 60120 JS126-10 95
4 3020 70140 JS127-10 115
5 3040 80160 JS128-10 130
6 3040~2991 90180~100200 JS137-10 155
7 2863 110220 JS138-10 180
9-35 № 20 D 730 1 5393 69200 JS137-8 210
2 5639 86500 JS138-8 245
3 5805 103800 JS157-8  (6000V) 320
4 5913 121100 JS158-8  (6000V) 380
5 5952 138400~155700 JS1510-8  (6000V) 475
6 5844~5599 173000~190300 JS1512-8  (6000V) 570
580 1 3403 54960 JS126-10 95
2 3756 68700 JS128-10 130
3 3667 82440 JS137-10 155
4 3736 96180 JS138-10 180
5 3756 109920 JS1410-10  (6000V) 200
6 3756~3687 123660~137400 JS157-10  (6000V) 260
7 3540 151140 JS158-10  (6000V) 310

產(chǎn)品型號 轉(zhuǎn)速
序號 全壓Pa 流量
型號 功率kW
Y9-35 № 8 D 960 1 921~961 5810~7270 Y132M1-6 4
2 1000 8720 Y132M2-6 5.5
3 1010~1020 10180~13080 Y160M-6 7.5
4 1000~961 14540~16000 Y160L-6 11
730 1 539~558 4430~5540 Y132S-8 2.2
2 578~588 6650~7760 Y132M-8 3
3 588~578 8870~11090 Y160M1-8 4
4 558 12200 Y160M2-8 5.5
Y9-35 № 10 D 960 1 14151 11350 Y160L-6 11
2 1510~1559 14200~17050 Y180L-6 15
3 1588~1598 19900~22750 Y200L2-6 22
4 1598~1500 25600~31250 Y225M-6 30
730 1 843 8650 Y160M2-8 5.5
2 872~902 10800~13000 Y160L-8 7.5
3 921 15150~19450 Y180L-8 11
4 912~872 21600~23800 Y200L-8 15
Y9-35 № 12 D 960 1 2079~2177 19620~24520 Y225M-6 30
2 2245 29420 Y250M-6 37
3 2285 34330 Y280S-6 45
4 2294 39230~44140 Y280M-6 55
5 2255~2167 49040~53940 Y315S-6 75
730 1 1206~1255 14920~18650 Y200L-8 15
2 1294 22380 Y225S-8 18.5
3 1323 26110~29840 Y225M-8 22
4 1323~1304 33570~37300 Y250M-8 30
5 1245 41030 Y280S-8 37
Y9-35 №13.5 D 960 1 2638~2755 27920~34900 Y280M-6 55
2 2834~2893 41880~48860 Y315S-6 75
3 2912 55840 JS116-6 95
4 2912~2853 62820~69800 JS117-6 115
5 2736 76780 JS125-6 130
730 1 1520 21240 Y225M-8 22
2 1588~1647 26550~31860 Y250M-8 30
3 1676 37170 Y280S-8 37
4 1686 42480~47790 Y280M-8 45
5 1657~1578 53100~58410 Y315S-8 55
Y9-35 №15.5 D 730 1 2010 32160 Y280M-8 45
2 2098 40200 Y315S-8 55
3 2167 48240 JS115-8 60
4 2206 56280 JS116-8 70
5 2216 64320 JS117-8 80
6 2216 72360 JS125-8 95
7 2177~2088 80400~88440 JS126-8 110
580 1 1265~1402 25600~57600 JS115-10 45
2 1372~1314 64000~70400 JS116-10 55
Y9-35 № 18 D 730 1 2706 50400 JS117-8 80
2 2824 63000 JS126-8 110
3 2922 75600 JS127-8 130
4 2971 88200 JS128-8 155
5 2991 100800~113400 JS136-8 180
6 2942 126000 JS137-8 210
7 2814 138600 JS138-8 245
580 1 1716 40080 JS115-10 45
2 1784 50100 JS116-10 55
3 1843 60120 JS117-10 65
4 1873 70140 JS125-10 80
5 1892 80160~90180 JS126-10 95
6 1853~1775 100200~110220 JS127-10 115
Y9-35 № 20 D 730 1 3344 69200 JS127-8 130
2 3501 86500 JS136-8 180
3 3608 103800 JS137-8 210
4 3677 121100 JS138-8 245
5 3697 138400~155700 JS157-8  (6000V) 320
6 3628 173000 JS158-8  (6000V) 380
7 3481 190300 JS1510-8  (6000V) 475
580 1 2118 54960 JS125-10 80
2 2206 68700 JS126-10 95
3 2275 82440 JS127-10 115
4 2324 96180 JS128-10 130
5 2334 109920~123660 JS137-10 155
6 2294 137400 JS138-10 180
7 2196 151140 JS1410-10  (6000V) 200